Webinars (Catalog)

In this article

Webinars are virtual products that fall under the Videos parent category. It allows users to purchase a video product with different expiry options such as 30 days or 90 days and in the users' account, they can access the video using the Link Source/URL set in one of the product's information fields. You can also use the Catalog to add regular products such as t-shirts and hats, or virtual products such as sponsorship packages to be sold on your website. You can watch our training video on this section here.


Access Rights required: Site Administrator or Catalog Manager.

You must have the Catalog plugin available on your website, if it is not available, please open a ticket with us and we will add it for you.

To publish a Webinar, you need at least one Catalog Options with an "x days" value (more information below on this topic).


Manage Options

Click on the DRS logo and choose "Catalog" from the menu and then choose "Options".

Add an Option

Click on the button add-a-product-option-button.jpg

Fill in all the fields of the Add a product option form.

Field Name


Sample Value


Name of the option displayed in the Product form where only admins can see it. It can be the same as Name.

15-day rate


Name of the option displayed for the users as a webinar choice.

15 days


Expiry duration for a purchased product. The value musts be "# days". After this number of days following the purchase, the product will expire and the user will no longer have access to it.

15 days


Additional price of the option with the Product's price. You can leave it at 0, or you can set different prices for the different number of days.




Edit an Option

In the option list, click on the Modify iconScreenshot_modifier.png.

Change the desired values in the Option fields


Click save-edit-option.jpg to save the changes or cancel-edit-option.jpg to cancel the modification.


Enable/Disable an Option

Click on the Check icon Screenshot_icone-V.png to enable or disable the option.

Disabled Options will be removed from the Product options list and the user's webinar choices.


Delete an Option

Click on the Delete icon Screenshot_croix-rouge.png.

A prompt window pops up to confirm the deletion.


Manage Webinars (or Products)

Click on the DRS logo and choose "Catalog" from the menu.

Create a Webinar

Click on the button add-a-product-button.jpg.

Enter the required information in the Product fields.

Field Name


Sample Value


Webinar's name.

PMI Virtual Event

Additional Info

(Optional) Short description about the Webinar.



Category of the Product. It musts be under the main (Videos) category to be a Webinar product.

Webinar (Videos)


(Optional) A preview image of the video. Click BROWSE to upload a new picture from your computer.



Not applicable.



Full details of the Webinar.



Webinar's expiry options. A user has to select one of the checked options in order to add a webinar to cart.

1-month rate, 3-month rate, Permanent rate

Price and Inventory

Base pricings for non-members and members. If there is a field with (USD) label, set the same price as the field above it.

Note: if the fields say "Leave this uncheck" or "empty", they must be left empty.

Non-member price: 5

Member price: 0

Video published year

(Optional) A year tag for better search when there are many webinars.


Linked events IDs

(Optional) IDs of the events associated with this Product. The webinar will be displayed at the bottom on the details page of the events.


Video link source

A link/path/URL to the video. Supports:

- Uploaded video (works best with MP4) in the File List;

- Wistia, Vimeo or YouTube embeded link;


Other products

Not applicable.


Finally, click on the SAVE button.


Edit a Webinar

Click the Edit button Screenshot_modifier.png to open the Product edit form.


Enable/Disable a Webinar

Click on this icon Screenshot_icone-V.png to immediately enable or disable a Product from being displayed in the Shop/Webinars page.


Duplicate a Webinar

Click the Clone button duplicate.jpg to duplicate a Product.

Duplicated products will contain the same information and its name will have "(Copy)" appended at the end.


Delete a Webinar

Click the Delete button Screenshot_croix-rouge.png to delete a Product.

A prompt window pops up to confirm the deletion.


Make a Webinar Featured

Click the Star button make-featured.jpg to mark the Product as Featured.

Featured products are listed at the top (before any other products).


Manage Categories

Click on the DRS logo and choose "Catalog" from the menu and then select "Categories".


Caution! Removing a 1st level category will remove all of its children (2nd level) categories and all of the products associated with this category.

Create a Category

At the Categorie(s) - 2nd level, click the button add-a-category-button.jpg.

Fill in the category Name. If the category is for Webinars then leave the Select parent category field as Videos.



Edit a Category

In the option list, click on the Modify iconScreenshot_modifier.png.

Change the desired values in the Category fields.

Click save-edit-option.jpg to save the changes or cancel-edit-option.jpg to cancel the modification.


Delete a Category

Click on the Delete icon Screenshot_croix-rouge.png.

A prompt window pops up to confirm the deletion.

Caution! Removing a 2nd level category will remove all of its assigned products.