Getting Started

Getting Started - Welcome to the DRS Platform User's Guide

The purpose of this user's guide is to help you get trained on our platform and to act as a reference for all of the various options, functionnalities and settings available in the platform.

If this is your first time accessing this user's guide or if you are a beginner to our platform, we highly recommend that you start with some training videos and then get some practice by making a test page on your website and entering content.

Content Management of your website

We recommend the following steps to get introduced to the platform:

  1. View the training video on creating a page and then create your first page. If you would like to make sure that it is not available to the visitors and only you and other administrators can see it, make sure that you uncheck the "Enabled" checkbox when creating the page. This will allow you to get some practice without having it be public.
  2. Click on "Add a component" and select the very first component from the list, the "Basic editable text zone" and click on "Create".
  3. Then double click on the text that says "Double click here to add text!" and this will open our Rich Text Editor. You can view our training video to get more familiar with the editor.
  4. You can learn more about the different types of components and what they do here.
  5. When you feel a little bit more comfortable, you can view the rest of the content management training videos here.

Managing events, invoices and newsletters

Either once you're familiar with the general user experience of the platform or if your duties don't involve the content but require you to be familiar with events, invoices and/or newsletters, then the following training videos can help you get more familiar with these features:

  1. The training video on managing events can help you get familiar with these functionalities and you can also refer to this page in order to understand more about each field and each portion of the events management features.
  2. If you're looking to manage the invoices on your website, we have a couple of training videos on this page to help you and you can also refer to this page for more information.
  3. For those looking for help in creating newsletter templates, managing the campaigns and creating automated emails, we have a couple of training videos on managing the newsletter.
  4. For the other back-office functionalities to manage your chapter website, check out this section to see the list of available training videos.

If you have any questions, or require any assistance, please open a ticket with us and we will be happy to help you!

Once you feel like you've done enough training or you would like to test your skills on the platform, please take our certification exam. You can try it once every day and you can earn PDUs for it!