Invoices Management
In this article
- List of invoices
- Modifying an invoice - Participant information
- Modifying an invoice - Billing information
- Modifying an invoice - Refund
- Modifying an invoice - Resending the invoice
An invoice is generated each time a payment or a registration is made on your website (even that registration is free, an invoice is generated to keep track of it). This portion of the platform allows you to manage to your invoices, to make changes to registrations and perform refunds. You can learn more about this section by watching our invoices management training videos.
The invoices can be filtered in different ways:
- Search: You can enter text here that will try to match to the person's first name, last name, email address, phone number or invoice number.
- All Invoices: This allows you to filter between paid and unpaid invoices. If your chapter only accepts payment by credit cards, then all of your invoices will always be marked as paid.
- Mode of Payment: Allows you to filter invoices that were paid by credit cards or by check (if your chapter allows this).
- Start date and End date: This allows you to put a date range to see invoices that occured only during that specific time.
- Future Events: This allows you to select invoices for a specific event, you may also click on "Switch to view past events" to see past events instead of the future ones.
You can also click on "Export" in order to export the invoices shown in the table below the filters to Excel. You can choose to do so for bookkeeping or to import it into an accounting software.
You can perform various actions on each invoice:
- You can preview the invoice directly in this page by clicking on this icon:
- You can download a PDF copy of the invoice by clicking on "Download".
- You can edit the invoice with this icon:
- You can delete this invoice (which will also delete the registration(s) associated to it) with this icon:
You can modify an invoice by clicking on the edit icon next to one of the invoices in the table above. You will see that the event modification screen is split into 2 columns. The first one is for modifying event registration information:
In this column, you can perform multiple operations on the event registration. First, you can use the "Transfer to another event" button to move this participant to another event. You will need the ID of that event in order to do that. To obtain the ID of an event, simply go to your events calendar, click on one of the events and in the popup, you will see the ID at the top left:
Next, you can modify the participant information by clicking on the icon next to their name. This will allow you to change the participant's name and information. You can also remove this participant's registration by clicking on the icon.
Lastly, you can use the form to add another participant to that same registration. This can be useful in a group registration context to make sure that you have everyone's name and information available.
When modifying an invoice, the right column is split into 3 portions, the billing information, refund and resending the invoice.
The first portion is the billing information, here you can modify the status of the invoice (paid/unpaid), you can also upload a copy of the check (if your chapter supports this payment method) and you have 2 extra fields to enter additionnal information such as a PO number.
Hit modify in order to save the changes. Please note that modifying the amount of money for the invoice here will not affect payment, this is for record keeping only.
In the invoices modification screen, in the right column below the billing information is the refund area. In order to be able to perform a refund, you have to use a payment provider, such as a Stripe, that supports this functionality. Some of the payment providers do not allow a refund to be performed here and this option will be disabled for your website.
When performing a refund, put the amount of money that you would like to refund (this cannot be greater than the total amount paid). You must also put a comment as to why you are performing a refund. This comment, along with your username and IP address will be saved in our logs to track who performed the refund. Once you press the "Send" button, the money will be applied back to the credit card that the person used to make the payment and it cannot be undone nor can another refund be done after this.
In the invoices modification screen, the very last portion of the right column is the ability for you to resend the invoice. This can be useful once a modification has been done and you would like for the person to receive an update of the invoice or if someone contacts your chapter and would like to have the invoice sent to a different email address.