Optional Features

The features listed below have been added to the platform over the last 2 years and while some chapters may already have one or multiple of these features enabled, not everyone is aware of them.

Below is a list of all of those features, if you would like any of them enabled for your chapter, please open a ticket and refer to the feature below and we'll gladly enable it at no cost.

To open a ticket click here.

1. Payments

1.1 Payment Providers

We cover about 10 different payment providers. The majority of chapters are using PayPal, but we wanted to list the available options. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about these. Some are limited by territories:

  • Stripe (best rate for non-profit organizations) - we recommend Stripe.
  • PayPal (most commonly used) - you can have it fully integrated or use the PayPal button.
  • Moneris (Canada only) - this connects directly to your Canadian bank account.
  • Authroize.net (USA only) - this connects directly to your USA bank account.
  • WorldPay
  • PSI Gate
  • PayU (Europe only)
  • PayULatam (South America only)
  • eGHL (Asia)
  • PayVision (Europe only)
  • PayGol
  • iDeal
  • Eway (Australia or New Zealand)
  • SimplePay (Europe/Hungary)


1.2 Payment Options

These functionalities can all be toggled on and off:

  • Allow payments by check on your website
  • Allow non-members to check out as guests on your website (register to events without an account)
  • Enable payments for your job submit form
  • Make the phone number a required field in the first step of registration
  • Make the company name a required field in the first step of registration
  • Add an additional custom field in the first step of registration
  • Add a checkbox to send a copy of the invoice to all participants in a group registration


2. Newsletter - Mailchimp connector

If you are using MailChimp or are looking to switch to MailChimp, we have a complete integration with their API. What this means is that every day when we synchronize your chapter data from PMI Global, we can also push that data automatically to your MailChimp account, eliminating the needs to manually download and upload the data on a regular basis. Please reach out to us if you have any questions about this feature.


3. Events

3.1 Custom Fields

A common request that we get is the ability to add custom fields to the event creation form. These fields can be used to ask additional information for an event such food allergies, meal preferences or survey questions.

We can enable up to 5 additionnal fields for your event creation system. These can be checkboxes, dropdowns or plain text inputs and you have complete control over these types.

3.2 General Event Options

All of the features below can be toggled on and off at your request.

  • No connection required to register (skip login page if not connected)
  • Open calendar popup on hover instead of needing to click
  • Enable/Disable the date filter on the calendar
  • Force single registrations (no multiple participant registration per event)
  • Allow the "bring a guest" checkbox to add a free guest to events (this will become an option in your event creation form).
  • Require users to confirm the cancellation fees/refund policy before being able to register.
  • Enable the registration close date in the event creation (this adds a field in your event creation form which lets you set an end date for registration rather then letting it be up until the event time).
  • Activate late registry pricing (works like early bird except allows you to set a higher price for registering after a certain date).
  • Activate extra pricing (choice options and customizable prices) in events.
  • Activate Speakers profile.


4. Support Tickets System

This feature allows you to have a support ticket system built in to your website. Your members can login, create a ticket or view their existing tickets and respond to them. Your board members or volunteers with access to this system can administer the tickets, provide feedback to members and it can all be managed from the website.

To find out more, check out the training video that we have built on this section.

5. Global website functionalities

All of the features below can be toggled on and off at your request.

  • Time format display on the website (standard i.e. 4:00pm or extended i.e. 16:00)
  • Date format (Month day, year i.e. November 20th, 2021 or day month year 20 November, 2021)
  • Display currency in front of symbol (i.e. USD$50 instead of $50) - this is useful for chapters in countries using a currency different to their own local one.
  • Enable using PMI synchronized accounts as administrator accounts. For example, you can promote a user to admin without having to create a seperate administrator account for them on the website.
  • Allow a custom CSS stylesheet for you to override some of the CSS on the website (advanced for programmers only).
  • Hide all blog preview images on the blog preview component.
  • Remove the portion after the pipe "|" on the title of the pages.
  • Allow your contact form to have multiple dropdown subjects which lead to different email addresses.
  • Display the Cookie Agreement compliant banner at the bottom of the website (required by law in some countries).
  • Allow members to see their last login date on the website.
  • Have the login page always forward to a specific page upon successful login.