Components - Glossary

The Components Glossary is a detailed list of all of the available components and some explanation as to their purpose or recommended use. If you have any questions or are unsure about a specific component, please open a ticket with us.

You can also see the detailed article on how to use components or you can watch the components training video.


Basic editable text zone: This is the most commonly used component and allows you to use the Rich Text Editor to build out your page as you please. Please note that the 3 versions of the component are simply the padding (spacing) around the text. Version 1 is large padding, Version 2 is medium and Version 3 is zero padding.

Customizable text and logos: This component has two layout and is used to for displaying sponsor or partner logos. You can set how many logs you want per row.

Page Header component with customizable text and image: This component has 4 versions and is used for displaying a header or seperator in the page with a title and a background image or color.

Call To Action component with customizable text, image and link: This component is similar to the one above except it also has a "call-to-action" button.

BECOME A MEMBER: Customizable text, image and link (uniform values to be applied once): The difference between this component and the one above is that with this component, you do not have to enter the content each time it is added, its content is global on your website.

Newsletter component with customizable texts, 2 versions: This is a component that allows visitors to sign up to your newsletter, you can set which list they subscribe to and there are two different layout versions.

Latest blog posts, 3 versions: This will automatically pull information from your Blogs and display the latest ones with a link to see them all. There are 3 different layout versions.

Latest jobs posted, 2 versions: This will automatically pull information from your Job Posts and display the latest ones with a link to see them all. There are 2 different layout versions.

Customizable text, image and link, 4 versions: This component allows you to display text next to an image. The different layouts change the side that the image and text is on as well as how they are displayed.

Quotes component, 2 versions: This layout design has quotation marks in the background and is used to display a quote from a speaker or any other person of interest to highlight their content in your web page.

Text and Numbers component: This component has a preset visual that allows you to show text and numbers in a highlighted way. This could be used to display statistics or highlight certain number values for the chapter. The content in this component is manually entered.

Number List component: This component is to show a column-based numbered list to display items such as key factors of your content or how-to steps.

Customizable text and link: This component makes it easier to have a 2 or 3 column layout to display information. This could be achieved as well with a table in the Rich Text Editor, however the formatting in this component is already done for you.

Heading 1 component: A simple heading layout for displaying a title.

Heading 2 component: A simple heading layout for displaying a title and small text above.

Customizable text: A simple heading layout for displaying a title and some text below it.

Gallery component with customizable text and image, 2 versions: This component is used in order to display a gallery of images. You can select your images and a thumbnail will be displayed that can be clicked on to see the full version.

Icon and Text component, 4 versions: This component is used for displaying content in columns with 4 different layouts. It also allows you to choose an icon to display with the text.

Tab component: This component allows you to display content in seperate tabs. This is useful when you have a lot of content but you don't necessarily want the page to scroll for a long time.

Accordion component: Much like the tab component above, this component allows you to hide content and visitors will have to click on the tabs to expand it. The difference is that with this component, the tabs are stacked vertically as opposed to horizontally.

Home Calendar component with customizable text, image and link, 5 versions: This is a component that you will often find at the top of the home page. It allows you to display a background image or video, to have text over it and to display a calendar or the next upcoming events to the right.

Contact component, 2 versions: This allows you to display a contact form. In order to change who the email address that will receive the content of the contact forms, please open a ticket with us. You can also request that you be able to preset subjects for the form and the target recipient emails for each one, we can activate this feature for you as well, simply open a ticket.

Mentor Program Form and Mentee Program Form: This requires that you have Mentorship enabled on your website, if you do not have it and would like to add this feature to your website, please open a ticket with us. These components are used to add the mentor and mentee program application form to your page.

Page Header Event component with customizable texts, image and links 4 versions: This component can be used to display a large header image with text or can be customized to serve as a carrousel (image slider), take a look at this example to learn how to do that.

Speaker list, 2 versions: This component can be used to feature a speaker, volunteer or any other person. The layout allows you to put their photo and name as well as some content.

Download File component with customizable text and link: This component offers a layout that is easy to use if you'd like to feature a document for people to download. This could be for a presentation or white papers on a specific topic.

Map component: This component allows you to add an interactive Google Map to your website. You can enter an address and a pin will be added on the map to that address.

Contact Banner component with customizable text, image and link: A simple layout that allows you to add a background image or color and to display contact information or advertisement information.

Video component: This allows you to display a video. The same result can be achieved with the Rich Text Editor as well.

Featured event component: This will automatically pull information from your Events and display the latest ones with a link to see them all.

Board of Directors, 3 versions: This component can be used to display your board members, volunteers or other people/teams you would like to feature. You can look at this example to see how to configure this component.

Featured speaker component: This component can be used to feature a speaker, volunteer or any other person. The layout allows you to put their photo, name and title.

Schedule component: This component is useful if you have an event that has multiple seperate conferences or workshops. This is usually the case during your PDD, Symposium or other large events. This allows you to display a schedule that can span over multiple time slots and multiple days.

Countdown component: This component allows you to set a specific date and time and it will display a countdown timer to that specific time.

Marketing Information Form: We recommend using the Forms Builder in order to build forms, this component can still be used but it is a static form and was created before we developped the Forms builder.

Speaker Application Form: We recommend using the Forms Builder in order to build forms, this component can still be used but it is a static form and was created before we developped the Forms builder.

Rollup Membership Banner: This component can be used to highlight membership anniversaries for your members who have been with the chapter for over a year. This component is fully automated.

Calendar component, 2 versions: This component allows you to display a calendar that will be automatically populated with all of your events.

Sponsorship Component: This component layout is meant to be used for you to display information in order to attract potential sponsors for your chapter.

Volunteer form component: We recommend using the Forms Builder in order to build forms, this component can still be used but it is a static form and was created before we developped the Forms builder.

Monthly/Milestone Members List: This component can be used to highlight new memberships for your members who have recently joined hte chapter. This component is fully automated.

Membership Statistics: This component is used to feature all of your membership statistics (total members, PMP members, student members, etc.) This component is fully automated.

Customized Forms: This component is used for displaying forms that you have built using the Forms Builder.

Document Library, 2 versions: This component allows you to display documents from your File List by selecting a folder and setting the level of viewing access. You can view an example on how to use this component here.